About This Site

Our Mission

Dedicated to promoting the brewing and enjoyment of craft lager!

This site is the brainchild of Mark Stober.  Mark began homebrewing in 1990, in the early days of what eventually grew to be the American craft beer revolution. Mark has achieved many beer milestones since then, including brewing many medal winning beers (many of which were lagers), becoming a master BJCP judge, organizing several regional rounds of the National Homebrew Competition, and having a number of articles published in Zymurgy Magazine. Send Mark a message at: admin at lager finder dot com.

Many avid homebrewers find enjoyment in the hobby by concentrating their efforts on brewing and perfecting certain classes or styles of beer. For some it is IPA and other hoppy ales, others sours, Belgians, etc… Mark started brewing lager around 20 years ago, and soon after it became his love and core concentration in brewing. 

Today, more and more craft brewers are starting to embrace lager, and some have even started concentrating on making lager a dominant portion of their product offerings. But many craft beer consumers are not clear about what lager is and how it is different, and worse yet, how to find those craft breweries who are embracing the style.

Enter lagerfinder.com, dedicated to promoting the brewing and enjoyment of craft lager.